Engineering is the practical application of science and mathematics. Engineers use the knowledge they have in a specific field to make things work and to solve problems. Find out more about engineering by watching this video by the US National Science Foundation.
What does an engineer do?
Engineers can be involved in building, testing and designing; they might work on large products like planes; small products like smart phones; buildings or infrastructure; utilities like water or electricity; computing systems and programming; medicines; food; cosmetics and much more. Go to DiscoverE to find out more about the different types of engineering careers.
Where do engineers work?
Engineers can work literally anywhere – offices, hospitals, construction sites, laboratories, power plants, remote locations, oil rigs and factories. They are often employed by companies you may not immediately think of as needing engineers such as food manufacturers or healthcare companies.
How can I become an Engineer?
If you are good at finding practical solutions to everyday problems and you enjoy coming up with ideas and putting them into practice, you might be suited to a career in engineering. There are different pathways you can take to get there. However, recommended CSEC subjects (or equivalent) include mathematics and the sciences. We can help you find the right engineering education path. Contact us at
Adapted from Tomorrow’s Engineers Resource Pack